Enhancing Our Lives with Healthy Food, Rich Nutrition, Fitness, Health, Relationships, Work, Projects, Finances, Education and Travel
To achieve all these aspirations, we need both willpower and a dash of imagination!
In this class, I invite you to continue pursuing and bringing to life our resolutions and intentions for the wonderful new year ahead!
To have a will and to let the will work for us, it needs motivation and a healthy nervous system. Also, healthy bones are important to carry us, to walk us, to realize and transform our thoughts and imaginations and let it flow.
That is the intention and idea of today's class which I have chosen for you.
Let’s begin by settling into an easy pose for the opening stretch and allow the flow to commence!
As I said, come into easy pose, interlocking your fingers in front of your heart center and pull them apart until they start to shake.
Lift your face, your chin and push your hands into the air to full extention, reach the top and take a deep inhale, twist to one side, drop the opposite sitbone down, you increase the stretch and exhale.
Come back to the center and take a long deep inhale, hold the breath, rotate as far as you can and twist to the other side, remember, still pulling on your hands and exhale.
Come back to the center.
Lower your arms
Let your hands resting on your knees and keep your eyes closed for a moment.
Dopamine hit, here you are! Eyes closed....
Bring your hands in prayer pose in front of your heart center, take a deep inhale,
exhale-Â and bow forward to your relationship, to the divine within.-
Come up, take a deep inhale,Â
exhale and bow forward to your relationship- to the divine without.
Come up again, take a deep inhale and bow forward to the universe
to this great energy which is holding us for so long!....
Body Locks, what is this?
- sitting upright and breath in normally.
- squeeze the anus, the sexual organs and pulling the belly, that is the Root lock.
- by pulling the root, flare the ribs inside - tighten under your ribs, that is the Belly lock.
- elongate your neck, drop your chin down, this the Neck lock.
- shoulders are down, your neck is long, your chin is dropped.
- just hold that position for a moment
- and notice how it feels to hold yourself still.
- you can still breath into the upper part of the chest but you are pulling your belly in very, very tight.
- now relax everything.
- those are the Three bodylocks. the Root, the Belly and the Neck.
and if we are playing around, pulling the locks in combination with the breath, we signal to our body that it is ok to relax and we also pull our chakras into alignments
- take a long deep breath and then at the deepest point of your inhale, you hold the breath and pull the locks.
then you release the locks as you exhale forcefully, hold the breath out and with no air left in your lungs, you pull the locks again and we are going to do that for three times in a row, one straight after the other.
We start with 8 minutes Pranayama
This is the essence of pranayama. As you reflect on your understanding of the two primary nadhis, Ida and Pingala, envision how they gracefully ascend along either side of the Kundalini, perfectly aligned. You are in the presence of the Divine, so embody pure beauty. Begin by sitting in an easy pose. Use your right thumb to gently close the right nostril and inhale slowly through the left nostril. Hold your breath for a count of four, then exhale through the right nostril while using your index finger to close the left nostril. Now Inhale through the right, hold, then exhale through the left. Switch to inhaling through the right, holding, and then exhaling through the left. Strive for a gentle rhythm, allowing your breath to soften as it flows in and out, opening the channels along either side of your spine. This practice helps you move beyond dualities and connect with the Divine within your body. To clarify, after your initial inhale, you will continue to alternate between exhaling and inhaling on one side, holding, and then switching to the other side. Continue this for 5 to 11 minutes. Keep your tongue pressed gently against the roof of your mouth, with your eyes focused on the third eye. Finally, inhale deeply and hold the breath. Exhale and enter stillness to meditate for 3 to 5 minutes.
Music - Sweet river , David Darling
Warm Up
Come up standing. Your feet are a bit more then hip distance apart. Bring your arms up and stretch your entire body, really, try to reach the sky! Take a deep inhale and bend to the left side first. Left side is always the first side we start with- in yoga. Left side of the body stands for the feminine side. hold the breath, feel the stretch, imagine you are opening your entire fascia on the right side. exhale. Inhale again and come back to the center.and bend slightly to the right side, hold the breath and exhale. inhale come back and do it again for two more times.
Now you are doing a forbend over your left leg by bending the right knee, try to reach your left foot or left cuff and exhale, again, feel a stretch on the opposite side of your body. Inhlae, stay in this position lift your upper body slightly up and exhale come farther down, kissing your left knee. Do this two more times. Then inhale and move to the other side and repeat..... come to my class and see and feel the rest of this warm up sequence.
I will guide you through this Kriya in my online class and will upload the recording.
A Mantra for Mental Clarity and Embracing New Ideas
Clear your mind and create room for fresh thoughts, allowing your will to flow freely once more! One of my favorite mantras and meditations is Gobinday Mukande.